Authentication vs Authorisation

These are important concepts you need to understand for Azure and certainly to pass your Fundamentals and Administration exams.

Put simply Authentication is the action of identifying who you are, Authorisation is then the action of allowing you to perform certain actions based on successful authentication.

Real-world examples might be using an Automatic Bank Machine. The first thing you do is put in a bank card, which the machine reads and it then asks you for a multi-digit PIN number. If you put the PIN number in you get access to your accounts through the machine.

So putting in the card identifies you, and putting in a correct PIN confirms your identity (Authentication). The machine then giving you access to your accounts only, and not every account within the bank’s systems(Authorisation).

Another example might be going to a bar. If you look a lot younger than me you might be challenged. A bouncer might ask for a Drivers License, and if that license has a photo of you and a valid age then you will be confirmed of legal age (Authentication). Once this has been confirmed the bouncer will let you in where you can enjoy the facilities, hopefully responsibly (Authorisation).

Hope that helps.

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